a) Nodal

  • DLBCL most frequently presents as a tumor in one or more lymph node regions. 40-50% of patients are diagnosed with localized disease.
  • DLBCL is easy to detect if the lump is palpable (although most often these are not painful).
  • The regions of lymph nodes that are most commonly affected are those located in the cervical spine and the abdominal region.
  • These nodal tumors are often internal and cannot be detected easily, as in the case of tumors of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes (found in the deepest part of the abdomen and mediastinum), which manifest as à feeling unwell, pain, symptoms of compression, or infiltration of nearby organs.
  • The appearance of lymphoma may coincide with unspecific overall symptoms such as weakness, lack of appetite, general malaise, or weight loss with no apparent cause (one-third of all patients have these last 3 symptoms and are the factors that make most people seek medical help).

b) Extranodal

  • 20-35% of cases have strictly extranodal disease, and the most commonly affected areas are the stomach and the ileocecal region.
  • Extranodal DLBCL can appear in any organ or body part, including the skin, breast, lung, liver, kidney, testicles, ovaries, and uterus.
  • These tumors can cause pain and obstruction of the intestines. However, they can also cause ulcers and bleeding of the digestive system.