The stomach is a hollow, elastic organ that plays a very important role in the process of digesting food. It is found on the upper left side of the abdomen. An adult stomach is about 25 centimeters long and can hold nearly one liter of food.
The upper part joints the esophagus and the lower part connects up with the first part of the intestine (duodenum). The pancreas, gall bladder, and liver are close to the stomach and produce juices and enzymes (chemicals) that help digest food.
Once food is chewed and swallowed, it passes through the esophagus toward the stomach, where it mixes with acids and enzymes that will help break food down so that our body can absorb the nutrients.
Food next travels from the stomach toward the small intestine, where the enzymes of the stomach and pancreas help in absorbing important substances such as vitamin B12, iron, and calcium.
The stomach wall
The wall of the stomach has four layers.
The innermost layer is the mucosa, which contains glands that produce enzymes and acid used in digestion. Next is the submucosa, followed by a layer of muscle. The outer layer of the stomach is a strong serous membrane